Yukon Engagement Session | Haines Junction, YT | Jongsun + Jiyeon

Couples / Lifestyle Travels

Sometimes last-minute trips are the best especially when it is to the destination-most-unexpected
When my friend Jong Sun (who is super talented beyond amazing photographer) suggested Yukon for the weekend with him and his fiancé, my initial reaction was like HUH? but then of course I said HECK YASS right away.
I mean who says no to an epic adventure right?
So couple days later ... HELLLLLO YUKON!
Here are some shots from Jongsun and Jiyeon's engagement trip that i am so excited to finally share :D!
oh and make sure you check out Jongsun's work here !


Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session Hennygraphy

Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session Hennygraphy Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session Hennygraphy
Heading out bright and early  to catch the sunrise! Except there was no sunrise haha

Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyWe were SOOOOO excited for this morning fire.
We were going to cook over this fire and enjoy the breakfast with the view. Yap nope. No breakfast…Just keeping it alive was a challenge!
Jongsun’s brand new note (the whole thing) got sacrificed in the process too but no luck. Died way too soon way too fast… :(
Hungry and frozen but did not care much. We still loooooved it cause the stunning view was to die for.Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyIm sure you guys know by now that I am absolutely obsessed with campfires… <3

Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session Hennygraphy
Image result for heart eye emoji
Kluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Yukon Engagement Session HennygraphyKluane Lake Engagement Session Hennygraphy Alaska highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska highway Engagement Session Hennygraphy Yukon Winter adventure Hennygraphy Winter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session Hennygraphy Winter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session Hennygraphy Winter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyWinter Mountain Engagement Session Hennygraphy Winter Mountain Engagement Session HennygraphyYukon Engagement Session HennygraphyYukon Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska Highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska Highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska Highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska Highway Engagement Session Hennygraphy
Yukon Alaska Highway Engagement Session HennygraphyYukon Alaska Highway Engagement Session HennygraphyAlaska Highway Engagement Session Hennygraphy Alaska Highway Engagement Session

Alaska Highway Engagement Session

Kluane Lak Yukon
Jongsun is not only an amazing photographer, but he is super talented cook as well!

Cabin Fire up Knorth camp socks

DAY 2 !

Kathleen Lake Yukon Canada
Kathleen Lake, Haines Junction – can you spot JS?

Kathleen Lake, Yukon Territory, CanadaKathleen Lake engagement sessionKathleen Lake engagement sessionKathleen Lake Sunrise winter
Sunrise !

JongSun Park at Kathleen LakeKathleen Lake Tukon Territory Transformers of the North :D