Here are us, starting out strong.
And shortly after we ran into couple of rangers.
Always Stay Alert ! Us practicing for emergency bear encounters
the entire time we were hiking we were getting rained / hailed on lol
kinda impossible not to stop every step of the way cause the view is too too gorgeous…
Because we started quite early in the season, trails were still covered in snow a bit. A BIT? little did we know…
Holy mountains !
anndddd here we go… snow storm is upon us…
mmm this is where we kinda panicked. The sign was telling us to proceed on, but the direction it was pointing towards to, there was nothing but endless fields of white. Snow was upto our knee and cause of the thick fog visibility was super low. Plus the wind was so strong that we couldn’t even walk properly. At the moment I was not really scared but when I think back on it oh dear… I think it is cause the entire situation did not really register in my head.
and next moment, sun is out like nothing has happened.
View of the Wonder Pass! GAHHHH GORGEOUSSS
by this time we kinda forgot that we were in a dangerous situation like a second ago.
When we came down from the Wonder Pass we were extremely tired…
and from far far away we spotted Assiniboine Lodge. Ones shown in the photos below are actually fully serviced and reservable lodges and you can get to it by helicopters. The ones we stayed at are Naiset Huts
Anthony going over the routes we took
View from the main lodge…
Knob Peek
Celebratory out house dance lol
walking through the Valley to get to the valley of rocks…
We were pretty damn sure that was a bear condo
Lake Og
Can you spot the grizzly??
Later that grizzly came down near us while we were getting supply of our water. I think that was the scariest moment…
So freaked out by the encounter, we went back to our hut and decided to stay in for couple hours and then these lay flat photos happened.
Mountain essentials :D
After couple hours, we got restless, so we strolled around the area and revisited Lake Magog again.
Last day time to loop back
Helena is champ at map reading
on our way down, we found this communal cabin but decided to sleep in the tent for the night at the near by camping ground anyways … and Oh my… the coldest night ever ! i don’t think I was able to sleep much that night.
walking back to the trailhead ! End is near :)
Drivers dream omg !
rewarding view till the end. Driving through Jasper to get home and <3 <3 <3
Check out my friend Anthony’s for blog here more info !
Thank you Anthony and Helena for taking care of everyone throughout the way and keeping the team together !
Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, ㅍ무채ㅕㅍㄷㄱ ㅈㄷㅇ야ㅜㅎ ㅔㅙ샣ㄱ메ㅗㄷㄱ, ㅍ무채ㅕㅍㄷㄱ ㅔㅙ샣ㄱ메ㅗㄷㄱ